Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Big Girl School!

OMG....our big girl went off to school! :( Mommy wasn't sure how she would handle it, but I did it without crying! She has been so excited to go to school for months now. She looked so damn cute in that little uniform!!! It is so tiny. They are not required to wear the uniforms in Pre-K, but the teacher said she knew a few other girls were going to be wearing them, so we thought, why not just get her one and she can wear it when she wants.
Her first day was a success! The only part she didn't like was naptime, but she said they just rested and no one really slept...we'll see how long that lasts. I'm sure by tomorrow they will all be sleeping at naptime! She has 7 girls in class and 6 boys so there is a good mix. Although, she could only tell me one girls name! She seems to love it, so I'm super happy!
Now next week Parker starts a new babysitter so we'll see how that goes too! I hope she loves it as much as Taylor loves school.

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