Saturday, January 1, 2011

Carriage Ride disaster...

I decided this Christmas that I was going to start a new family tradition! I just love traditions and we needed one of our own. We've been trying for years to get a private carriage at Tillis park and take the kids through the lights, but they are always sold out by the time we try to get the tickets! This year I did it extra early and invited our parents and my sister and the kids to come over for a turkey dinner before hand and then go on the 10 person private carriage. It just figures that we got a big ice and snow storm that day! I was told there are no refunds or cancellations and we even called that day to be sure. Jason's parents couldn't make it down due to the weather, so we were down to 8 of us. I made my first turkey (well turkey breast) and it turned out great. I told everyone else dispite the below freezing temps and wind chills we WERE going! So they all came with all their gear! We had  a great dinner and rushed around to do the dishes, make hot chocolate, put it in coolers, bundle up the kids, get in the cars, drive to the park.......only to get to the park and see complete darkness!!!!  Imagine having 4 really excited kids in the car....well, and one very excited mom and see that it was closed! I will be honest, I was devistated! The park ranger told us that the park and lights were damaged and we would get a full refund. Jason happily tells them, "Ok great...thanks alots!" I said, "Thanks alot? Pull that damn car back there! I have a few words to say!"
So that was it. NO ride! And they were completed booked for 10 person carriages through christmas, so it would have to wait till next year. Only since I have the best hubby in the world.....he surprised me with a 4 person private carriage for that Wednesday night! So thats what we did. We got all bundled up and went for another try. Only after all we went through I'm very sorry to say.......IT WAS NOT WORTH IT! $68 for a 4 person carriage that took 15 minutes and all they did was push the tip!! They asked us to tip our driver 4 times! She told us, the guy coordinating told us, it said it on the carriage, and the other passing carriage drivers even said it! Ridiculous! If you ask for tip you shouldn't get it! I was mad! So we ended up paying $78 for 15 minutes and so much for my tradition! I'll have to think of a new one!

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